Throughout ENG 325, students were required to read primary comics & supplementary essays, and in response, they were required to create 1pg comics & 250w write-ups about their comics. Students shared these comics and the accompanying critical reflections with each other on their D2L discussion board, in their community of critical-makers. Because much of their critical reflection was geared their classmates (at times vulnerable, encouraging, experimental, and brainstormy), I have respected their community space, and won’t share their writing. However, the comics here were generously shared with me by students from ENG 325. Some of them grew into 4pg-midterm comics, and others were seeds for final 12pg comics, but most were, indeed, simply weekly comics.
Read them as students working out ideas, exploring the formal constraints of the comics medium, and attempting to visualize their own understanding of complex theories, texts, and experiences.
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